Savill Group Architecture supports local business and is active in key local organizations. Having strong community roots is essential to our existence as we believe in an inter-connected circumstance where we give back what we take. Being active in the community is highly motivating for our staff to contribute and provide the best possible outcome for new buildings. With that said, we have felt very fortunate for the opportunity to participate in institutional projects, local and elsewhere, that improve the quality of life and provide opportunities for people in the community. We have had privilege of working on many libraries, schools, cultural facilities, places of worship and centres for non-profit organizations.
John Savill, with his early foundation in Community Organizing in the 1970’s, based his practice on the importance of gaining input and buy-in support from all parties. This foundation has become our office standard for approaching new projects. As a team our office will work very closely with the client and user groups to gain a strong understanding of the various activities that occur, identify specific problems and develop workable solutions.