Dagmar Dahle, Mary Kavanagh, Annie Martin, David Miller
As an artist-curator collective (even just this once), we have initiated an exhibition that examines our individual studio production in relation to one another’s, exploring what we feel is a shared sensibility. Through exchanges that have unfolded over months and even years, the exhibition presents works by the four of us in conversation.
Even as we imagine ourselves to be part of global culture, and with social media as a backdrop to the conception of community, we continue to occupy proximities of place that are forceful and intimate, that shape knowledge and knowledge production, and that become important conditions of our individual and collective experiences over time. These conditions, while not determining the work, influence and affect our practices and production.
The Trianon Gallery, a well-known local venue that falls just outside of the entrenched public and private gallery sectors, is an appropriate place for the exhibition. The building in which the Trianon Gallery resides is situated in downtown Lethbridge on the corner of 1st Avenue and 5th Street, has a long history of hosting community events and functions, and stands as a signifying site of local culture. Rather than identifying thematic links in our art practices—and they are numerous and nuanced—we have shaped the project as one that privileges process over outcome, and that creates a space for a web of potential connections to emerge upon viewing.
To read more about this show follow the link to Canadian Art