Each year the faculty and staff form the University of Lethbridge’s Department of Art and the staff from the Art Gallery respond to a theme and produce new work for this exhibition.
Matchmaking plays on its multiple possibilities including Valentine’s Day, which occurs during the exhibition, and the tradition of artists collaborating on work for this event.
Featuring work by: Karen Campbell, Michael Campbell, Adrian Cooke, Dagmar Dahle, Edison del Canto, Julie Duschenes, Don Gill, Carl Granzow, Pat Horrocks, Mary Kavanagh, Marc Leger, Glen MacKinnon, Phillip McCrum, Mary-Anne McTrowe, Stuart Mueller, Janice Rahn, Kevin Sehn, Tanya Sehn, Nicholas Wade, Cam Woykin.
Curated by: Dr. Josephine Mills, Director/Curator, University of Lethbridge